Thursday, January 06, 2005

What a generous man!!

I'm no fan of Michael Schumacher. I'll admit he's one of the greatest to ever drive an F1 car, but that by no means makes anyone a fan. However he recently donated $10 million to the tsunami relief fund. That is almost a fifth of his annual income. I believe despite how rich he is you would be hard pressed to find many other people willing to donate soo much. The US's first offer was to only donate $15 million, untill the came under so much pressure they upped it to $30 million, and then again to $350 million.


At January 06, 2005 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, 10 million dollars. that's rediculous! He just donated more money than i'll see in my entire lifetime. Still not a fan though


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